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Fuel Oil (Mazut)

Fuel oil consists of long chain hydrocarbons, especially alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic compounds, and is produced when small molecules such as propane, naphtha, and gasoline are fractionated from crude oil by distillation. Fuel oil is literally a bottom-of-the-barrel compound that is used in various industries. In the continuation of the article in Jahan Chemi Physik, more explanations are provided in this regard.

Our Fuel Oil (MAZUT) Specification

TestUnitResultesTest Method
Density and relative density of crude oil and average API gravityAPI29.7(29.7)MINASTM D5002
Density @ 15°CKG/T0.87(0.775)ASTM 1298-99
Pour Point of Petroleum
Pour Point
Pour Point

<-33(-36)BELOW ZERO
Pensky - martens closed cup flash point corrected slash point°F117(137)MINASTM D-93-IP34
Sulfur content in petroleum product by EDXRF
Sulfer content
W1%0.38(0.358)MAXASTM D4229
Kinematic/dynamic viscosity
Kinematic viscosity @ 122° F/SO°C
WM2%17.83(18.12)MAXASTM D445
Water content by coulometric
Karl fisher titration
Water content


ASTM D6304
Ash from petroleum product
Average ASH
W1%0.279(1.007)MAXASTM D482
Conversion of kinematic viscosity To SUS/SFS I Saybolt furoi
Viscosity 122°F


ASTM D2161
Aluminum and silicon in Fuel oils by KP - AES or AAS
Aluminum content
Silicon content


ASTM D5184
Water by distillation VOL%VOL%0.70(MAX)ASTM D95
Carbon ResidueW1%1.11(MAX)ASTM D4530.06
Method Test Result Unit
LP 143 Asphalteness haptane insoluables
Asphaltene ContentW1%0.08
LP 501 Determination of AL,Si,V,Ni,Fe,Na,Ca,Zn,P in Fuel oil-Lcpes
Propane tanker

Fuel Oil

Fuel oil consists of heavy hydrocarbons of crude oil that have sulfur, oxygen, and metal compounds, and it does not burn easily due to its weight. By designing suitable burners, using water vapor, compressed air and mechanical dispersion in the form of fine particles, it is possible to burn this product in the furnace. This product is obtained from the residue of crude oil distillation in distillation towers under atmospheric pressure, vacuum distillation and viscosity reduction unit. It is used as fuel for ships, trains, power plants, large and small industrial units.

How to produce fuel oil

As mentioned, fuel oil is obtained by the distillation of crude oil. Molecules of compounds such as propane, naphtha, gasoline, and jet fuel have a low boiling point and are separated one by one at the beginning of the distillation process. Heavier products, such as diesel and lubricants, are less volatile and distill more slowly. "Bunker Fuel" or the fuel of steam engines and ships are at the end of this process. Of course, some heavier compounds like bitumen and asphalt also remain at the end of the process. In the image below, you can see the different oil cuts.

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